Jesse Ventura Shocks the World | Jesse Ventura Shocks the World | Trailer

- Hi, I'm Jesse "The Body" Ventura.

Relax, relax, you're still watching PBS.

I walk and talk where I want.

(TV hisses and clicks) I'm not touching, notice the hypocrisy?

Because I am a bad guy.

(tense orchestral music) I'm just Jesse "The Body," I'm ahead of my time.

(clapperboard snaps) - Jesse defies definition, (upbeat rock music) he doesn't fit in a box.

- Is it true there's this wrestler running for office?

- I would like to lead the way.

- Ventura is a character above all.

- The most popular governor in the world.

(laughs) (TV clicks and hisses) - He had a proclivity for making news at the oddest times in the oddest places.

(TV hisses) - Do people remember you standing up for women's rights, do you think?

- I'm not going to apologize.

- Would you legalize drugs?

- I don't know how you could make up this life story.

- You don't have President Donald Trump without Governor Jesse Ventura.

- Be careful of who you help.

(laughs) I dare not say never to be equaled, but never to be equaled.

(TV hisses and beeps) (tape deck clicks) (button clicks) (VHS whirs) - And from the delusions.

So I was a brand new reporter, had just been hired for my dream job, Twin Cities Public Television, where I'd interned.

With little fanfare and few reporters.

So it's election night.

(high-energy rock music) - Vice President of the United States to help.

- Skip Humphrey was ahead in the polls.

(audience applauds) So I decided to pick the one election night headquarters I could go to, so I went to Skip Humphrey's headquarters.

And as returns were coming in, it was not looking good for Skip Humphrey.

Ventura was ahead, and Ventura looked like he could win this thing.

- Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse!

- We drove 80, 90, maybe a hundred miles an hour out to Ventura headquarters.

It was like a mosh pit.

- I think it's the most (audience cheers) wonderful night I've had in a long, long time.

- There was already champagne sprang everywhere, and I'm like, "How are we gonna get in?"

- Jesse Ventura captures 37%- - And my photographer at the time yells, "Public Television coming through!"

And the sea parts and the whole crowd lets us up to the very front and we are there when he screamed the famous.

- We shocked the world!

(audience cheers) - You always said all along, the only poll that mattered was November 3rd.

What do you have to say to all your naysayers?

- Well, I was correct, wasn't I?

(audience cheers) - [Audience] Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse!
