The Meaning Behind The Song: Valley Winter Song by Fountains of Wayne


As a fan of Fountains of Wayne, one of my favorite songs by them has always been “Valley Winter Song.” It holds a special place in my heart and carries a deep meaning that resonates with me. The lyrics and melodies transport me to a snowy New England town, and I can’t help but feel the emotions captured in this beautiful ballad.

Table of Contents

Exploring the Lyrics

The song begins with the heartfelt plea of the singer, addressing someone named Sweet Annie. The lyrics convey a sense of optimism, urging Annie not to dwell on the gloomy winter but to look forward to the coming summer. Despite the somber atmosphere created by the description of a choking interstate covered in salt and dirty sand, the singer emphasizes the hope that the sun will soon shine again.

The next verse delves into the memories of the singer’s childhood, where Annie’s father shared wisdom about patience and waiting for good things to come. This advice serves as a reminder to the listener to have faith and trust that better days are ahead. The lyrical imagery paints a picture of a winter evening, being in a house with windows painted shut, evoking a feeling of isolation and darkness.

The lyrics then shift to reminiscing about New York City during winter. The mention of Staten Island to the Upper West Side and the streets being whited out creates a vivid image of the city blanketed in snow. This reflects the beauty and challenges that winter brings, emphasizing the shared experience of navigating through tough times together.

A Personal Connection

This song holds a special place in my heart because it reminds me of a memorable winter I experienced with a loved one. We were in a small New England town, surrounded by snow-covered streets and cozy houses. Despite the challenging weather, we found solace in each other’s company and the shared experience of enduring winter’s hardships.

The lyrics perfectly capture the emotions we felt during that time. The longing for warmer days, the comfort found in memories of better times, and the hope that brighter days were on the horizon resonated deeply with us. Whenever I listen to “Valley Winter Song,” I’m transported back to that winter, and it serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience we discovered during those challenging months.

Commercial Success

Released as part of their album, Welcome Interstate Managers, “Valley Winter Song” received critical acclaim for its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody. It not only gained popularity among Fountains of Wayne fans but also caught the attention of popular brands. In 2008, the song was featured in an L.L. Bean commercial called “Making Christmas,” further cementing its place in the hearts of listeners.


“Valley Winter Song” by Fountains of Wayne is a beautifully crafted ballad that captures the essence of winter’s beauty and challenges. Its lyrics resonate with anyone who has experienced the longing for warmer days and the strength found in shared hardships. This song holds a personal connection for me, reminding me of a cherished winter spent with a loved one. Through its timeless melody and heartfelt lyrics, “Valley Winter Song” will continue to touch the hearts of listeners for years to come.

Album title: Welcome Interstate Managers (2003)

“Pretty much about my life” is how Fountains of Wayne’s Chris Collingwood described Valley Winter Song to PopEntertainment. Welcome Interstate Managers’s sixth track is a soft ballad about a singer trying to cheer up his love in the snowy, dark depths of a New England winter.

The song also appeared in an L.L. Bean commercial called Making Christmas in 2008.


Produced By Mike Deneen, Chris Collingwood & Adam Schlesinger

Written By Adam Schlesinger & Chris Collingwood

Recorded At Stratosphere Sound, NYC; Q Division, Somerville, MA; and The Clubhouse, Rhinebeck, NY

Release Date June 10, 2003

Valley Winter Song Covers Valley Winter Song* by Field Mouse


