PROJECT RUNWAY: Holla at your boy!

After a depressing loss last episode with one of my faves getting the boot. Yes, I already had a fave. I hoped and hoped this week’s challenge would lift my spirits. Did ya get a chance to tune in?

This week as designers gathered on the runway to meet Heidi and await their challenge, she gave the 14 some unexpected news. Instead of announcing their fate as usual on the catwalk, designers would have a “night on the town” with Tim. When I heard this, images of designers getting their shake on and hopping through the streets in shiny stretch limos crossed my mind. How great would it be to see the designers in a non-crazy, non-stressful environment letting loose and actually have good ol’ fashion F-U-N?

Ding, dong! But of course I was rudely awaken when Tim prepared contestants with heavy-duty rain gear consisting of ponchos and boots. Uh…is there a hurricane outside or something? After a short walk, we arrived in front of a huge double decker tour bus. As designers filed in, we were shortly told the challenge there after!

Challenge: Design a look of your choice for a night on the town inspired by NYC at night. There would be four stops (Columbus Circle, Time Square, NY Public Library and Greenwich Village) where Tim would assign each designer to a hot-spot. With camera in tow, each had one hour to get snap happy. Sound familiar? Say every other season in the history of PR?!

Even with Mr. Rain Cloud above their heads, designers actually really enjoyed getting to bask in the city lights. All in all it was pretty uneventful minus a short tiff from Team Time Square. After Keith walked through one of Stella’s shot, Stella and Kenley went on to rant their deep seeded dislike for the fella. Honestly, I think Stella and Kenley are drama lovers. Really? Grow up!

The budget went up $25 smack-a-roos, hours were extended to 1 a.m. and immunity is back! There was a lot of hatin’ going on last night. Particularly coming from Emily geared toward Kenley. It seemed everyone was horrified by her choice in fabric. Blayne got a little bit weirder (if possible) and Stella yet again annoys designers (and viewers I might add) with her leather and hammering. Stella totally reminds me of something or someone that I can’t put my finger on quite yet. Stay tuned!

Tim’s check in. Tim, like the designers, didn’t quite know how to put Kenley’s fabric into perspective, calling it costume-y. He flat out called Emily’s dress disappointing (which was really mean!). Before Mr. Gunn peaced out for the night, Blayne gave him a little tutorial straight on down to funky town. This is quite possibly the most horrifying moment ever on PR. Hearing Tim awkwardly shout, “Holla at your boy!” was so awkward to the point of unbearable. There are just some things that should never be done!

On runway day, Keith got some bad news straight off the bat. His model was no longer in the competition and Wesley’s old model Alyssa would now be his partner in crime. How happy for Alyssa, but how sad for Keith.

Top 3: Kenley, Leann and Terri

Kenley was our challenge winner and I have to agree with the judges, it was a modern take on the 80’s. So fun and flirty, I loved it! Just goes to show you that even with the cards stacked against you, if you stick with your gut instinct and believe in your design, you can be a winner. Cue violins.

Next we have Leann. Heidi was absolutely in love with her dress and I concur,; it was constructed very nicely. Lastly was Terri’s ensemble. More so than the garments themselves, I think I liked the woman that the pieces represented. As Sandra Bernhard (guest judge) said, it was very fierce and sexy.

Honorable Mentions: Blayne, Jerell and Kelli

Ok, so don’t hate me, but I loved Blayne’s dress. I know it kinda here-comes-the-fiesta, but so much fun flair! Jerell’s unique asymmetrical tiers won me over and Kelli’s bad mama look was totally rockstar!

Bottom 3: Keith, Jennifer and Emily

Ya know, the bottom 3 wasn’t that bad, was it? Yes, when MK called Keith’s design “toilet paper caught in a windstorm,” I totally understood where he was coming from. And yes, when SB critiqued Emily’s number as “cha-cha over the top,” she hit the nail on the head. But in all, nothing was as ghastly as I had hoped. Because let’s face it, we love great designs, but we love train wrecks too!

Sadly, we had to wave goodbye to one and Miss Cha Cha Cha (Emilly) bid us au revoir!

Till next week, I’m signing off. Wednesdays at 9 pm (est), be there or be square.

